It's important you first read and follow our prerequisite guide. On the other hand when i get a NVME disk i should add it the way you describe,as LVM-thin so i can squeeze everything in it (thin provisioning is about overallocating disk space) without caring about the life span of the disk,since NVME’s reach 10x the life span of a regular SSD,and this value will keep rising with each new model.This guide will help you create a suite of PVE CT's and applications for building a Home Media solution.Īs with all our guides, we have an Easy Script to automate CT creation through to the installation of software.īut the first step is to check your network and hardware prerequisite requirements before running our Easy Script. Now on the use case,if i have a large spare hard drive that i can use as multipurpose i’ll just mount the disk as a directory and make backups or/and run write intensive beasts like Zabbix,instead of having everything in a good commercial SSD drive.The life cycle of the SSD will be gone very fast if you keep VMs or containers that write a lot.The use case described above is about a spare HDD. It all depends on the use case.First of all i think the guide is detailed so one knows why he’s doing everything.My goal is not just copy paste the commands but document everything in-between. Now when restoring a backup image or creating a new VM or container, in the storage selection we have the option of hdd-img, the ID of the new storage we added. In the directory option input the directory we created and select Disk image,container : In the Proxmox GUI go to Datacenter -> Storage -> Add -> Directory. Use the new disk to run VMsĪs mentioned in the beginning of the article we can select specific VMs or containers that do heavy writing on the SSD to run from the HDD.Ĭreate a directory for the VMs: mkdir -p /mnt/data/hdd-img/ In the directory option input the directory we created and select VZDump backup file:įinally schedule backups by going to Datacenter – > Backups.The new directory will be available in the backup options.
Now in the Proxmox GUI go to Datacenter -> Storage -> Add -> Directory. Use the new disk as backupīackup our VMs and LXC containers in the new HDD drive.Ĭreate a directory to store the backups: mkdir -p /mnt/data/backup/ The HDD drive is now ready for use.Below we see common usage cases in Proxmox VE.
#Install sonarr ubuntu lxc install
We’ll use parted instead of fdisk although they have equal capabilities.Parted can be used in scripting and supports disks bigger than 2TB.Ĭheck existence in the system and install parted: apt policy parted apt install partedĬreate a new partition table of type GPT,a newer and better standard than the older MBR: parted /dev/sdb mklabel gpt Sda has the current debian os with Proxmox VE installed and some vms.The new disk is sdb which retains the old setup.We’ll clear all contents from sdb since we have already moved the vms to the new sda disk and verified they are working. In the example we have disks sda and sdb. possible use cases for the new partitionĬheck the layout of the disks attached to the server to find the device names assigned to the disks by the proxmox host OS (Debian 9): lsblk.
#Install sonarr ubuntu lxc how to
How to partition and format a hard disk added to our baremetal host.This tutorial covers the following subjects: Since the needs are not complicated the setup is simple and does not use raid,zfs etc.Īfter the hdd setup, an elasticsearch stack container with netflow analysis was moved to the hdd,and although the read speeds do not match the performance of the containers running from the ssd, the hdd not having anything else running has an amazing increase in data read compared to the previous setup where the proxmox host and the VMs were based on the same hdd. Using an HDD for the proxmox host, the VMs and the containers was causing delays and long iowait.After upgrading to an SSD there was a spare 1TB hard drive that could be used for storing containers that write constantly big chunks of data to the hdd,something that can cause increased wear to the ssd.